Everything To Guppy

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

955 episodes of Everything To Guppy since the first episode, which aired on February 13th, 2018.

  • Episode 558: More Options

    October 13th, 2020  |  14 mins 51 secs

    He occasionally wondered what the hell so many different time-actives could possibly have against him, but it was always difficult to get answers when his assailants had a fresh new hyperblaster hole in their thoraxes.

  • Episode 557: Rag Mega

    October 11th, 2020  |  20 mins 12 secs

    Some were simply re-paying insults yet to come, but a disturbing number tended to screech things like "Behold, behold, the slayer of stars" as they came at him frothingly, time-knives akimbo.

  • Episode 556: Immaculate Conception

    October 10th, 2020  |  12 mins 59 secs

    It was one of the irritating realities of Stargash's life that any prophet, clairvoyant, or time traveler capable of seeing more than about 5 minutes into the future typically tried to murder him the second they came into contact.

  • Episode 555: Cambion Conception

    October 8th, 2020  |  12 mins 54 secs

    That left only the chronohacker to recruit—but that would be the trickiest nibbin to hibberdwick of all.

  • Episode 554: Lusty Blood

    October 6th, 2020  |  17 mins 22 secs

    The only tricky part would be making contact, but Stargash was confident enough in his lucid dreaming skills to be sure he'd be able to reach the synapto-killer shortly.

  • Episode 553: Maggy's Faith

    October 4th, 2020  |  17 mins 58 secs

    Many of HFCM's foes and targets had died quite peacrfully, staring complacently as "nothing," even as their subconsciouses screamed that death was approaching on stiletto-bladed boots.

  • Episode 552: Evil Eye

    October 3rd, 2020  |  10 mins 10 secs

    Born parthogenically to the Mindless Monks of Bigboote 7, he was incapable of being perceived by the conscious mind.

  • Episode 551: Empty Vessel

    October 1st, 2020  |  12 mins 41 secs

    High Fructose Corn Murder was not only one of the deadliest skizz-wielders in the galactic quadrant; he was also a cognitive lacuna.

  • Episode 550: Athame

    September 29th, 2020  |  14 mins 22 secs

    The skizz samurai, at least, would be a literal no-brainer of a choice.

  • Episode 549: Big Horn

    September 27th, 2020  |  18 mins 17 secs

    Honeysuckle might try to kill him for the imposition—but he'd wait until after the job was done to make his curmudgeonly move.

  • Episode 548: Purity

    September 26th, 2020  |  13 mins 20 secs

    What he did know was that any druid who reneged on an I.O.U. of the size of the one he had (presumably) earned would darken his own karma immeasurably, possibly even instantly severing their connection to the all-powerful Badger Force from which they pulled their charms.

  • Episode 547: The D8

    September 24th, 2020  |  10 mins 45 secs

    Stargash could no longer remember why Chud Honeysuckle, Arch-Druid In Residence, owed him a major favor—a clear sign that a Warlock's Contract had been negotiated between the two of them, with the memory itself as the signing cost.

  • Episode 546: GB Bug

    September 22nd, 2020  |  12 mins 57 secs

    For a job this delicate though, Stargash knew he'd need a true technician, a stone-cold master of the dendritic arts.

  • Episode 545: Isaac's Head

    September 20th, 2020  |  17 mins 33 secs

    Whereas Dusty Pringlefield was a useful sociopath—but one whose total anosmia made him a liability on missions where oxygen was in play.

  • Episode 544: Farting Baby

    September 19th, 2020  |  11 mins 45 secs

    Treetit Entgobble, for instance, was ideal for jobs that needed raw physical power, but her ethical flexibility tended to diminish as soon as her Righteous Bear Form emerged.

  • Episode 543: Spider Mod

    September 17th, 2020  |  12 mins 18 secs

    Stargash had always had a talent for picking the right Druid for the wrong job.