Everything To Guppy

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

955 episodes of Everything To Guppy since the first episode, which aired on February 13th, 2018.

  • Episode 638: Hushy

    March 13th, 2021  |  15 mins 44 secs

    The Friendship Citadel, unfortunately, wasn't built over natural lava deposits, so they'd had to import some from the Ring Of Fire.

  • Episode 637: Depression

    March 11th, 2021  |  14 mins 2 secs

    Originally bombed out during the final days of the Misery Wars, the site of the big big hole still made him tumescent with pride.

  • Episode 636: Shade

    March 9th, 2021  |  15 mins 23 secs

    Rounding the corner around the Apple Store where all the weeping former priests worked, Friendship Ranger 3 came into site of the Friendship Pit.

  • Episode 635: Tape Worm

    March 7th, 2021  |  17 mins 15 secs

    And that was to say nothing of Friendship Ranger 1, so he didn't.

  • Episode 634: Finger!

    March 6th, 2021  |  12 mins 58 secs

    Or Friendship Ranger 11, whose hands would never stop bleeding, no matter how politely one asked.

  • Episode 633: Contagion

    March 4th, 2021  |  15 mins 13 secs

    There was Friendship Ranger 2, who has once hugged a man's head into a warm, wet mush.

  • Episode 632: Analog Stick

    March 2nd, 2021  |  14 mins 22 secs

    As he approached the site of the Neural Joy Aberration, he began to run, exultant at the idea of reuniting with his fellow Friendship Rangers.

  • Episode 631: Mom

    February 28th, 2021  |  17 mins 16 secs

    Friendship Ranger 3 only wished (in an absent and paternal sort of way) that their screams of gratitude weren't quite so loud, or so tinged with the higher octaves of a vocal cord gleefully shredding itself in happiness.

  • Episode 630: Glyph Of Balance

    February 27th, 2021  |  15 mins 19 secs

    Why else would the Feelings Felons be so effusively, weepingly thankful after having their rogue brainwaves forcibly corrected?

  • Episode 629: Sulfuric Acid

    February 25th, 2021  |  11 mins 43 secs

    But closer analysis of these aberrant emoto-clusters—performed after scooping the related neurons out of the offending minds with the help of the Cuddle Police's smiling Adjustment Technicians—showed them to be in error.

  • Episode 628: Eye Of Belial

    February 23rd, 2021  |  15 mins 46 secs

    People sometimes argued—in what they thought were their secure Secret Sometimes Feeling Vaults—that Mutually Enforced Happiness had its downsides.

  • Episode 627: Rainbow Worm

    February 21st, 2021  |  9 mins 19 secs

    Friendship Ranger 3 tried not to indulge in pride (a sin), but he had to admit that it felt good to have saved the world, forever, from itself.

  • Episode 626: Parasitoid

    February 20th, 2021  |  12 mins 7 secs

    He waved cheerfully at a woman walking her handsome and highly toothed baby, and screamed back at him with the happy shrieks of the terminally fulfilled.

  • Episode 625: Glaucoma

    February 18th, 2021  |  11 mins 7 secs

    Everywhere Friendship Ranger 3 walked, he saw smiling, happy people, barely even writhing in their Mandatory Joy Harnesses.

  • Episode 624: Sinus Infection

    February 16th, 2021  |  11 mins 27 secs

    And so he bolted his High Performance Amblin' Boots to his Bottom-Hands and made his way out into the world.

  • Episode 623: The Seven Deadly Sins Pt. 4

    February 14th, 2021  |  15 mins 3 secs

    Then he remembered that all his vehicles had been sold to charity when he converted his garage, so instead he would have to walk.